
ItisthesequeltoFurious7(2015)andtheeighthinstallmentintheFast&Furiousfranchise.ThefilmstarsVinDieselasDominicToretto,alongsideDwayne ...,Fast&Furious8:TheAlbum;1.GangUp·YoungThug;2.GoOff·LilUziVert;3.GoodLife·G-Eazy;4.Horses·PnBRock;5.SeizetheBlock·Migos.,VinDiesel,DwayneJohnsonandJasonStathamreturnfortheeighthinstallmentofUniversal'sgloballypopularFast&Furioussaga.,供應中評分4.7(3...

The Fate of the Furious

It is the sequel to Furious 7 (2015) and the eighth installment in the Fast & Furious franchise. The film stars Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto, alongside Dwayne ...

Fast & Furious 8: The Album - 群星的專輯

Fast & Furious 8: The Album ; 1. Gang Up · Young Thug ; 2. Go Off · Lil Uzi Vert ; 3. Good Life · G-Eazy ; 4. Horses · PnB Rock ; 5. Seize the Block · Migos.

Fast & Furious 8

Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham return for the eighth installment of Universal's globally popular Fast & Furious saga.

The Fate of the Furious

供應中 評分 4.7 (35,175) 製造商, ‎Universal Pictures Home Entertainment ; 演員, ‎Vin Diesel, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Jason Statham, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson.

Amazon.com: Fast & Furious 8

評分 4.8 (17,105) 在高辛烷值的Fast & Furious 8 電影系列中扣起來,不停的動作和令人震驚的速度。 Vin Diesel、Paul Walker、Dwayne Johnson、Michelle Rodriguez 和全明星演員將踏板踩到 ...

The Fate of the Furious (2017)

評分 6.6/10 (262,672) When a mysterious woman seduces Dominic Toretto into the world of terrorism and a betrayal of those closest to him, the crew face trials that will test them as ... Fast & Furious 8 · Velozes & Furiosos

《狂野時速8》終極預告 FAST & FURIOUS 8 - Final Trailer

香港上映日期:2017年4月13日環球影片(香港) Facebook專頁: http://www.facebook.com/UPI.HK 環球影片(香港) Instagram:UniversalPicturesHK 《狂野 ...


《玩命關頭8》(英語:The Fate of the Furious,或稱作Fast & Furious 8和F8)是一部2017年的美國動作片,由蓋瑞·葛雷負責執導,克里斯·摩根編劇。本片為「玩命關頭系列」的第八 ...